We started homeschooling on Monday. It went really well over all. The worst part was trying to contain Mr. Banana Pants while Ry was trying to learn the lesson. Overall though, it seemed like Ry retained the information now. Basically the first lesson was discussing that God is our father and He gave us the world. We also went over what a triangle is. I'm feeling like he's going to get a bit bored if things don't get harder quickly. He already knows much of what the curriculum is teaching, but so far in looking forward it will get harder/deeper into the stuff he only knows on the surfact.
MWTh is going to be curriculum days and Tuesday and possibly Friday will be days we work strictly on Math and English (writing and spelling). Right now he is working on the 1's addition. We went over writing A's and his name, his brother's name and Mom and Dad. So far I'm pleased at what he's doing.
Yesterday I found the most amazing thing ever -- Banana Ice Cream! Yum-o! I will post pictures and the recipe later this evening when I find my camera.
Last night was my birhday dinner with some dear friends. I had a lot of fun. I hadn't been out with the 'girls' in a long time. I miss it a lot.

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